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发布时间:2022-06-21 作者: 浏览次数:6116










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1. 省级精品课程《im体育》,2013年立项,项目主持人;

2. 校级精品课程《im体育》,2012年立项,项目主持人;

3. 校级教研课题《im体育》,2012年立项,项目主持人;

4. 省级精品课程《im体育》,2010年立项,项目主要参加人。


1. 《im体育》(北方本),中国农业出版社,2015年,主编;

2. 《im体育平台突破》(第二版),中国农业出版社,2014年,副主编;

3. 《im体育》,高等教育出版社,2013年,参编。



1. 芽再生能力自然变异的分子基础:离体芽再生是构建遗传转化受体系统、进行基因功能研究和转基因育种的前提。本方向以模式植物拟南芥和重要粮食作物小麦为材料,利用正向遗传学并结合经典图位克隆和高通量重测序技术,定位和克隆负责植物再生能力自然变异的关键基因,并解析其作用的分子调控机理。

2. 植物干细胞的调控机理:小麦的株形(包括穗形)是影响产量的决定性因素,而干细胞是植物胚后发育的最终来源和细胞基础。本方向主要以小麦为试材,通过正向和反向遗传学并结合经典图位克隆和高通量重测序技术,研究调控干细胞发育和株形发育的重要基因和分子调控网络。


1.    《im体育》,im体育自然科学基金重大基础研究项目,主要参加人;

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,《im体育》,项目主持人;

3.    国家自然科学基金重点项目,《im体育》,项目主要参加人。


1.       学生心目中的优秀教师,im体育农业大学,2017年

2.  im体育自然科学一等奖《im体育》(第五位), 2012

3.       im体育教学成果二等奖《im体育平台突破》(第五位),2014年;

4.       im体育农业大学教学成果一等奖《im体育平台突破》(第五位),2012年;


1.    Zhang H, Zhang TT, Liu H, Shi DY, Wang M, Bie XM, Li XG*(Corresponding author), Zhang XS*. hioredoxin-mediated ROS homeostasis explains natural variation in plant regeneration. Plant Physiology, 2018, 176:2231–2250.

2. Yue X, Li XG (Co-first author), Gao XQ, Zhao XY, Dong YX, Chao Zhou. The Arabidopsis phytohormone crosstalk network involves a consecutive metabolic route and circular control units of transcription factors that regulate enzyme-encoding genes. BMC Systems Biology, 2016, 10:87, DOI 10.1186/s12918-016-0333-9.

3.  Zhao XY, Liang GT, Li XG, Zhang XS. Hormones regulate in vitro organ regeneration from leaf-derived explants in Arabidopsis. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2014, 5: 3535-3550.

4.    Yue X, Gao XQ, Fang W, Li XG and Zhang XS. Transcriptional evidence for inferred pattern of pollen tube-stigma metabolic coupling during pollination. PLoS One, 2014, 9(9): e107046

5.    Zhao XY, Su YH, Zhang CL, Wang L, Li XG, Zhang XS. Differences in capacities of in vitro organ regeneration between two Arabidopsis ecotypes Wassilewskija and Columbia. Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 2013, 112:6574

6.    Cheng ZJ, Wang L, Sun W, Zhang Y, Zhou C, Su YH, Li W, Sun TT, Zhao XY, Li XG., Cheng Y, Zhao Y, Xie Q and Zhang XS. Pattern of Auxin and Cytokinin Responses for Shoot Meristem Induction Results from the Regulation of Cytokinin Biosynthesis by AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR3. Plant Physiol., 2013, 161:1-12

7.    于明明, 李兴国, 张宪省. APETALA1 启动子驱动AtIPT4 在转基因拟南芥中表达导致花和花器官发育异常. 植物学报,2009, 44 (1): 59-68

8.    Li XG, Su YH, Zhao XY, Li W, Gao XQ, Zhang XS. Cytokinin overproduction-caused alteration of flower development is partially mediated by CUC2 and CUC3 in Arabidopsis. Gene, 2010, 450: 109-120

9.    Wu XQ, Li XG and Zhang XS. Molecular analysis of hormone-regulated petal regeneration in Petunia. Plant Cell Reports, 2008, 27:1169-1176

10.    Guan CM, Zhu SS, Li XG and Zhang XS. Hormone-regulated inflorescence induction and TFL1 expression in Arabidopsis callus in vitro. Plant Cell Reports, 2006, 25: 11331137

11.    Su HY, Li QZ, Li XG, and Zhang XS. Characterization and expression analysis of a MADS box gene, HoMADS2, in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Acta Genetica Sinica, 2005, 32: 1191-1198

12.Xu HY, Li XG, Li QZ, Bai SN, Lu WL and Zhang XS. Charecterization of HoMADS1 and its induction by plant hormones during in vitro ovule development in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Plant Molecular Biology, 2004, 55: 209-220

13.An YR, Li XG, Su HY and Zhang XS. Pistil induction by hormones from callus of Oryza sativa in vitro. Plant Cell Reports, 2004, 23: 448-452

14.Li QZ, Li XG Bai SN Lu WL and Zhang XS. Isolation of HAG1and its regulation by plant hormones during in vitro floral organogenesis in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Planta, 2002, 215: 533540

15.Li QZ, Li XG, Bai SN, Lu WL and Zhang XS. Isolation and expression of HAP2, a homolog of AP2 in Hyacinthus orientalis L. Developmental & Reproductive Biology, 2001, 1: 69-75

16.Li QZ, Li XG, Sun JQ and Zhang XS. Isolation and expression of an AGAMOUS homolog in the flower of cucumber (Cucumis sativas L.). Developmental & Reproductive Biology, 2000, 9: 69-76

17.Zhang XS, Li QZ, Li XG, Bai SN, Lu WL. Molecular cloning and expression analysis of HAG1 in the floral organs of Hyacinthus orientalis L. Science in China C, 2000, 43: 395-401

